Life of an Adventurer (Start of a New Project)

Happy New Year!

This devlog will be dedicated to my new upcoming game in unity that I am planning to submit in the "GoedWare Game Jam #10".  This is also the first time that I will be making a devlog for my projects. The game that I am planning to make will be called "The Life of an Adventurer" and this game will be a 2D turn-based rpg with the implementation of the game jam's theme of "Consequences".

The story of this game is quite simple. It will take place on a fantasy medieval world where adventurers always venture out of their home with the risk of losing their lives. However, on a distant place, where many adventurers already died and now having an emergency regarding the amount of monsters near their home. It is now up to the remaining adventurers to make some harsh decisions on what requests from their guild will they take to accomplish.

My plan to how will I be able to implement the theme will be:

  • Each equipments that the player buy will have some benefits and consequences
  • Each decisions that the player make regarding about the monster extermination request will have an effect towards their journey

This will be the first project that I will make with these implementations that I want to be in the game. I will be focusing only the coding part and arranging the necessary objects in the unity game engine. Here are also the list of things that I will be using a free assets available in the internet:

  1. Character Models
  2. Backgrounds
  3. SFX
  4. VFX
  5. UI Assets

Towards the development of this project, I might have to use some other things that are free to use from game assets. 

With all that said, Let's have a fun experience and learn a lot of things in this game jam!

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