Life of an Adventurer Town Update + Improved Battle System

Welcome for an another devlog!

This one will contain a lot of discussion about the different improvements made and also the update for the town scene. It took me quite a while to actually finish the town scene because I have to connect the first battle scene to the town scene and then proceed to another battle scene. 

First one will be the improvement of the battle system. Its a very minor improvement to the UI where you will see that when a character uses a support skill, the buff will appear in the party UI to indicate that the specific party member has an active buff. Here is the preview for the improvement:

You can also notice that all enemies are always one hit. This is just for testing purposes to speed up my way towards my main focus which is the town scene. 

Now for the main topic which is the town scene. The town scene right now contains the shop where the player will be able to buy equipment for each member in the party. The equipment are unique to each class of the party member and also its own demerits as one of my implementation of the theme "Consequence". 

Another thing in the town scene is the guild quests where the player will pick a quest to proceed to another battle scene. The different about this quest implementation was that the other quest that the player did not accept will increase the inactivity of that quest. The inactivity is also one of my implementations for the theme "Consequence" and this will have an effect in the later battle when the player accept the quest after some time and that effect will be the increase of stats of the enemies in that quest. The longer the inactivity, the stronger the enemies. Of course there are also some benefits where not only the stats of the enemies will increase but also the gold drop. Which means, high risk high reward. Here is what the town looks like:

The next update will be about the completion of the town scene where I will be adding the option to hire some party members with a maximum of 3 members, including the one in the character selection. I will be also planning to add more quests and enemies in the next update which includes some "Normal" and "Hard" quests. 

See you in the next devlog!

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