Life of an Adventurer Test Version Release

Welcome to an another devlog!

This devlog will be covering a lot of things especially about the release of the test version of the game. Here are the topics that will be covering :

  1. Battle System Update: Crit System
  2. New Targeting System
  3. Reputation System
  4. Hiring System
  5. Next Update Plan

First off is the newly added in the battle system which is the critical damage system.  The way I implement this is very simple, every time an enemy or a player will deal damage, they will roll in a what I would like to call as the "Crit Roll". If the crit roll succeeds, then the damage will double to the target. This is also the same in aoe skills. Every target in the aoe skill will roll a "Unique" crit roll to determine if the damage on each target will crit or not. This means that an aoe skill can crit on none, 1, 2, or 3 targets at the same time. Here is what it looks like in game:

You can also see in the video that I have implemented a new targeting system, quite different from the old targeting system. This change is from one of my friends that tried the game and gave some suggestions to me. To explain the old targeting system, the player should click first on who enemy to target if the skill they want to use is a single-target skill. For this new targeting system, the player will choose first the skill or action that they want to use then if that action is a single-target damage action, then the game will wait for the player to click one of the enemies to perform that action with.

Next one will be the reputation system. I had a lot of ideas on what is the purpose for the reputation system in the game. Out of all the ideas that I thought of, I picked the one that I can totally implement within the remaining time frame of the game jam knowing my skills and knowledge and also a bit of added risk that I did not tried yet even once. The purpose of the reputation system is for the player to hire more characters in their party. The higher their reputation, the more party members they can have. On why would I pick only a max of 3 members, it is because of the story of the game where it takes place in a far away medieval fantasy place where it does not have that many population. Not that many population means that they will have a scarce supply of adventurers in their place so that is why I picked 3 compare to some classic games in the same genre that usually have 4 or 5 party members. 

Another thing about the reputation system is on how to gain some and how will they decrease. Yes reputation of the player will decrease on 2 ways:

  • Each quest that reached 3 days inactivity will decrease the reputation of the player by 10
  • If the player run away from a quest, then the reputation of the player will decrease by 20

This decision of mine will let the player to carefully pick their next move on what to do and the risk on those decision of theirs. 

For the hiring system, the player needs to reach a certain threshold of a reputation to actually unlock to hire a party member. This game also has a permadeath system to its party members when they die in battle. All of the equipments invested into these party members that died will be gone and the player needs to hire another party member which more cost. Here is the look of the hiring + reputation system currently in the game:

Now for my next update plan, to make it short, here are the list of things that I want to implement in the next update:

  • When a party member dies, it will also decrease the reputation of the player
  • Special skills for certain enemies
  • New quests will be based on the reputation of the player( higher reputation, higher difficulty of quests will spawn )
  • Buying health and mana potions in the shop
  • Adding more normal quests and new hard quests with new enemies

Here is the end for this devlog. See you in the next devlog!

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