Life of an Adventurer Battle System Update #2

Welcome again to an another devlog for "The Life of an Adventurer"!

This short devlog will focus more on the completion of the battle system. Here is now the updated look of the battle system:

As you can see, I have also added the party system for the completion of the battle system before I proceed to the town scene. The unexpected part about this was that it was easy to implement an AOE skill attack. All I had to do was to get an array of enemy objects then each of those objects will take damage based on the random range of attack of the character. Each of those random values are also unique to each enemy object.

If you also noticed, I changed the look for the knight class in which looks better, at least for me.  The implementation of the party system is also quite easy because all I had to do was the same as what I did on the AOE implementation but for player objects and then assigning each of them a unique fixed location for their positions. Well I hope you do not mind seeing your archer or mage in the front position, it will not affect the targeting system of the enemies because they will always search for a random target every turn.

In the future, I will further improve this battle system if I still have enough time. For now, the battle system is complete and it is time for me to implement my ideas for the town scene.

This is the end of this short devlog. Next devlog will be about the town scene!.... Maybe..... 

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