Life of an Adventurer 1st Progress Update

After hours of coding, I have completed the main menu scene and the character selection scene for the game. Here's a look for the main menu scene: 

Creating the main menu scene was easy because all I need for now is to finish the functionality for the "Start" button while the other 2 buttons will be completed after the game main mechanics and gameplay is done. However, what gives me the most challenge was for the character selection scene. Here's a quick look for the character selection scene: 

What made this challenging for me was the implementation of showing different stats and skills for each character. I am using the observer pattern for the solution because I want to learn more about the pattern's usability. At first, everything was working perfectly fine for 1 character but when I made a new character which is the "Mage", the skills were not showing up correctly but the stats were working fine. After hours of trial and error, I discovered that it is necessary to pass on values via parameters of an action event to have the correct values shown. This shows that I still have much to learn about the observer pattern but at the same time made me so happy when it works perfectly as I imagined.

I am thinking of improving the character selection scene in the future if ever I have enough time to add more. The idea for the improvement is this:

  • When the cursor is in one of the skills, it will show something like a tooltip or a message on what the skill does and the name of the skill.

However for now, I will leave this as is so that I can now focus on the gameplay mechanics for the game. Here are the list of things that I will focus on the next progress update:

  1. Town Scene
    1. Shop System
      1. Buy Equipment
      2. Sell Loot
    2. Guild Hire System
      1. Hiring max of 2 adventurers ( For a party of 3 adventurers )
    3. Guild Requests
      1. Where the player will make a harsh decision on what request will they give priority. (Only a max of 1 request per day)
      2. Where the player will be able to ask some updates on the changed behaviors of monsters in the area per day

Here's all the updates for this devlog, See you in the next update!

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